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Tag: Post-Intensive Care Syndrome PICS

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SCCM Pod-492: The Long and Short of Long COVID

COVID-19 survivors who experience severe critical illness are at risk even when they leave the ICU. Long COVID is becoming recognized as a widespread problem, resulting in lower quality of life and productivity. Ludwig H. Lin, MD, is joined by E. Wesley Ely, MD, MHP, MCCM, to discuss the range of symptoms encompassing long COVID, as well as the latest research and treatment.

Improving Post-ICU Stay Outcomes: How SCCM’s Discovery Grant Helped Establish an NIH-Funded Study

Paul E. Wischmeyer, MD, EDIC, FASPEN, FCCM, has a highly personal understanding of the challenges of recovering from an intensive care unit (ICU) stay. Diagnosed at age 15 with ulcerative colitis, his colon was removed when it perforated and caused septic peritonitis. Throughout his life, he has had 27 major surgeries and multiple ICU stays for bowel resections after bowel obstructions or to address complications from recurrent intestinal obstructions. These experiences have motivated his research to test a personalized, remotely monitored, coached exercise program to help patients recover after ICU discharge.

CHEST Resource: Post intensive Care Syndrome (PICS)

Infographic: Symptoms, Risk Factors, Screening, Recovery Programs

THRIVE: Redefining Recovery

More people are surviving critical illness, leading to an increase in a condition called post-intensive care syndrome (PICS).  This video aims to help educate ICU survivors and their families about PICS. 

PICU Parent

The goal of PICUparent is to help parents understand their child's healthcare. offers resources for children and families following a critical illness. provides free, reliable information about health issues by sharing people's real-life experiences.

After the ICU is a group of doctors, former patients and other healthcare professionals, working together to provide ICU patients, their families and other medical professionals with information about the road to recovery after critical illness

ICU Steps: Empathy, not Sympathy

ICUsteps is the United Kingdom's only support group for people who have been affected by critical illness and has helped many former patients, their relatives and medical staff from organisations around the world.

Warrior Within: Audio Relaxation

The Warrior Within is an audio relaxation exercise that post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) suffers can use as part of a meditation practice.  

THRIVE: Recovery After a Hospitalization for Sepsis

Sepsis is the body’s overwhelming and life-threatening response to infection. This video offers strategies for sepsis survivors and their families

THRIVE: Pediatric Post-Intensive Care Syndrome

As children leave the pediatric intensive care unit, parents may notice changes. Some children may have additional needs after a stay in the PICU. This video aims to share stories and examples that exemplify challenges after a PICU stay. 

THRIVE: Pediatric Post-Intensive Care Syndrome and the Family

Children may experience post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) after a stay in the intensive care unit. Symptoms include learning and attention difficulties, post-traumatic stress disorder, sadness and depression, difficulty sleeping, behavior changes, motor dysfunction, breathing problems, feeding problems and difficulty hearing and seeing. Families may also be impacted by PICS. Help prepare your whole family to identify and treat PICS. 

Pediatric Post-Intensive Care Syndrome and the Family

Children may experience post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) after a stay in the intensive care unit.