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Virtual Critical Care Rounds

Prepare students, residents, and fellows to contribute to the diagnosis and management of the critically ill patient during ICU rounds.

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Content updated in 2021. Virtual Critical Care Rounds (VCCR) is designed to better prepare students, residents, and fellows to contribute to the diagnosis and management of the critically ill patient during their intensive care unit (ICU) rounds. Adult and pediatric versions are available.

The program features:

  • Professionally narrated modules with clear learning objectives, engaging case studies, interactive questions, and a list of additional resources for further exploration 
  • An extensive topic selection with lectures developed by content experts on each subject 
  • SCCM's efficient learning management platform, which allows program directors to view and monitor participants’ progress throughout the courses

Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to:

  • Recognize emergent conditions and describe appropriate interventions
  • Analyze case scenarios and explain treatment options
  • Recommend treatment strategies for critically ill patients based on medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic data

VCCR is available in two different formats: 

  • Program Director-Led Course: an online, instructor-led course
    • Students use a state-of-the-art online learning management system to complete the lecture portion of the course, and pre- and posttests ensure their mastery of the educational content. Course directors and coordinators can monitor the progress of participants in real time through their personalized administrative dashboard. 
  • Self-Directed Course: an online, self-study course
    • Access to the same didactic sessions found in the program director-led version of the course in a relaxed learning experience. Learners cover materials at their own pace from the comfort and convenience of their homes or offices and then assess their knowledge through  pre- and posttests. 

VCCR I: Adult focuses on the student level and includes 20 modules, each containing learning objectives, case studies, interactive questions, and a list of additional resources for further exploration.VCCR I Adult

  • ICU Orientation
  • Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support and Rapid Response Team
  • Electrolytes
  • Arrhythmias
  • Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
  • Airway Assessment and Management
  • Basic Mechanical Ventilation (2 modules)
    • Invasive Mechanical Ventilation 
    • Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation 
  • Antibiotics in the ICU
  • Transfusion Medicine in the ICU (2 modules)
    • Risks and Benefits in the ICU 
    • Transfusion and Reversal 
  • Critical Care Aspects of Hepatic Failure
  • Healthcare-Associated Infections in the ICU
  • Shock
  • Trauma
  • Immediate Management of Burn Injury
  • Critical Care for Older Adults
  • Palliative Care in the ICU: An Integrated Approach
  • Medical Errors
  • Organ Donation

Self-Directed Virtual Critical Care Rounds I: Adult

Self-Directed Virtual Critical Care Rounds I: Adult

Virtual Critical Care Rounds (VCCR) I: Adult prepares students to better participate in their intensive care unit rounds. The course comprises 20 narrated modules, each containing learning objectives, case studies, clinically focused questions, and a list of additional resources for further exploration. Participants are provided with access to the same didactic sessions found in the online director-led version of the VCCR I course. Participants learn at their own pace from the comfort and convenience of their homes or offices and assess their knowledge through pre- and posttests. 

Price: $70.00 (not including membership discounts)

to see your personalized pricing.

Director-Led Virtual Critical Care Rounds I: Adult

Director-Led Virtual Critical Care Rounds I: Adult

Virtual Critical Care Rounds (VCCR) I: Adult is designed for program directors of students rotating through the intensive care unit (ICU). The course prepares students to better participate in their ICU rounds. It comprises 20 narrated modules, each containing learning objectives, case studies, clinically focused questions, and a list of additional resources for further exploration. Participants use a state-of-the-art online learning management system to complete the lecture portion of the course and assess their knowledge through pre- and posttests. Course directors and coordinators can monitor the progress of participants in real time through their personalized administrative dashboard. 

Price: $735.00 (not including membership discounts)

to see your personalized pricing.

VCCR II: Adult focuses on the resident and fellow levels and includes 20 modules, each containing learning objectives, case studies, interactive questions, and a list of additional resources for further exploration.VCCR II: Adult

  • Neurologic Emergencies
  • ICU Delirium
  • Pain, Agitation, and Delirium Management in Adult ICU Patients
  • Basic Mechanical Ventilation 1
  • Mechanical Ventilation 2
  • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 
  • Acute Care Cardiology 
  • Arrhythmias in the ICU
  • Acid-Base Balance Disorders
  • Assessing Fluid Balance in the ICU
  • Acute Kidney Injury in the ICU
  • Endocrine Emergencies
  • Nutrition Support Therapy in the Adult Critically Ill Patient 
  • Spinal Cord Emergencies
  • Management of Bleeding Related to Antithrombotic Therapy
  • Venous Thromboembolism in the ICU
  • Infections in Critically Ill Patients and Appropriate Antimicrobial Selection
  • Sepsis and Septic Shock 
  • Hemorrhagic Shock
  • Ethics in the ICU

Self-Directed Virtual Critical Care Rounds II: Adult

Self-Directed Virtual Critical Care Rounds II: Adult

Virtual Critical Care Rounds (VCCR) II: Adult prepares residents and fellows to better participate in their intensive care unit rounds. The course comprises 20 narrated modules, each containing learning objectives, case studies, clinically focused questions, and a list of additional resources for further exploration. Participants are provided with access to the same didactic sessions found in the online director-led version of the VCCR II course. Participants learn at their own pace from the comfort and convenience of their homes or offices and assess their knowledge through pre- and posttests. 

Price: $70.00 (not including membership discounts)

to see your personalized pricing.

Director-Led Virtual Critical Care Rounds II: Adult

Director-Led Virtual Critical Care Rounds II: Adult

Virtual Critical Care Rounds (VCCR) II: Adult is designed for program directors of residents and fellows rotating through the intensive care unit (ICU). The course prepares residents and fellows to better participate in their ICU rounds. It comprises 20 narrated modules, each containing learning objectives, case studies, clinically focused questions, and a list of additional resources for further exploration. Participants use a state-of-the-art online learning management system to complete the lecture portion of the course and assess their knowledge through pre- and posttests. Course directors and coordinators can monitor the progress of participants in real time through their personalized administrative dashboard. 

Price: $735.00 (not including membership discounts)

to see your personalized pricing.

VCCR I: Pediatric focuses on the student level and includes 17 modules, each containing learning objectives, case studies, interactive questions, and a list of additional resources for further exploration.VCCR I: Pediatric

  • Approach to the Child with Altered Mental Status
  • Blood Gas Analysis
  • Respiratory Failure in Children
  • Pediatric Airway Management
  • Mechanical Ventilation
  • Fluids and Electrolyte Emergencies in Critically Ill Children
  • Sedation and Analgesia
  • Oncologic Emergencies in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (6 modules)
    • Expanding Solid Tumors 
    • Hematologic Emergencies in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit 
    • Hyperleukocytosis 
    • Immunosuppression 
    • Respiratory Failure 
    • Tumor Lysis Syndrome 
  • Pediatric Shock (4 modules) 

Self-Directed Virtual Critical Care Rounds I: Pediatric

Self-Directed Virtual Critical Care Rounds I: Pediatric

Virtual Critical Care Rounds (VCCR) I: Pediatric prepares students to better participate in their pediatric intensive care unit rounds. The course comprises 17 narrated modules, each containing learning objectives, case studies, clinically focused questions, and a list of additional resources for further exploration. Participants are provided with access to the same didactic sessions found in the online director-led version of the VCCR I: Pediatric course. Participants learn at their own pace from the comfort and convenience of their homes or offices and assess their knowledge through pre- and posttests. 

Price: $70.00 (not including membership discounts)

to see your personalized pricing.

Director-Led Virtual Critical Care Rounds I: Pediatric

Director-Led Virtual Critical Care Rounds I: Pediatric

Virtual Critical Care Rounds (VCCR) I: Pediatric is designed for program directors of students rotating through the pediatric intensive care unit (ICU). The course prepares students to better participate in their pediatric ICU rounds. It comprises 17 narrated modules, each containing learning objectives, case studies, clinically focused questions, and a list of additional resources for further exploration. Participants use a state-of-the-art online learning management system to complete the lecture portion of the course and assess their knowledge through pre- and posttests. Course directors and coordinators can monitor the progress of participants in real time through their personalized administrative dashboard. 

Price: $735.00 (not including membership discounts)

to see your personalized pricing.

VCCR II: Pediatric focuses on the resident and fellow levels and includes 23 modules, each containing learning objectives, case studies, interactive questions, and a list of additional resources for further exploration.VCCR II: Pediatric

  • Status Epilepticus in Pediatrics
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Acute Severe Asthma
  • Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  • Arrhythmias
  • Cardiovascular Medications
  • Acute Liver Failure
  • Diabetic Ketoacidosis
  • Acute Kidney Injury in Children
  • Sickle Cell Disease
  • Oncologic Emergencies in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (6 modules)
    • Expanding Solid Tumors 
    • Hematologic Emergencies in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit 
    • Hyperleukocytosis 
    • Immunosuppression 
    • Respiratory Failure 
    • Tumor Lysis Syndrome 
  • Pediatric Sepsis (2 modules) 
  • Pediatric Shock (4 modules) 
  • Toxicology

Self-Directed Virtual Critical Care Rounds II: Pediatric

Self-Directed Virtual Critical Care Rounds II: Pediatric

Virtual Critical Care Rounds (VCCR) II: Pediatric prepares residents and fellows to better participate in their pediatric intensive care unit rounds. The course comprises 23 narrated modules, each containing learning objectives, case studies, clinically focused questions, and a list of additional resources for further exploration. Participants are provided with access to the same didactic sessions found in the online director-led version of the VCCR II: Pediatric course. Participants learn at their own pace from the comfort and convenience of their homes or offices and assess their knowledge through pre- and posttests. 

Price: $70.00 (not including membership discounts)

to see your personalized pricing.

Director-Led Virtual Critical Care Rounds II: Pediatric

Director-Led Virtual Critical Care Rounds II: Pediatric

Virtual Critical Care Rounds (VCCR) II: Pediatric is designed for program directors of residents and fellows rotating through the pediatric intensive care unit (ICU). The course prepares residents and fellows to better participate in their pediatric ICU rounds. It comprises 23 narrated modules, each containing learning objectives, case studies, clinically focused questions, and a list of additional resources for further exploration. Participants use a state-of-the-art online learning management system to complete the lecture portion of the course and assess their knowledge through pre- and posttests. Course directors and coordinators can monitor the progress of participants in real time through their personalized administrative dashboard. 

Price: $735.00 (not including membership discounts)

to see your personalized pricing.

SCCM Pod-353 Are Biomarkers Ready for Prime Time?


SCCM Pod-353 Are Biomarkers Ready for Prime Time?

Kyle Enfield, MD, speaks with John A. Kellum, MD, MCCM, about his talk presented at the 46th Critical Care Congress in Honolulu, Hawaii entitled, “Are Biomarkers Ready for Prime Time?”
