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Repurposing drugs in intensive care units through real-world data analysis

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The Society of Critical Care Medicine’s (SCCM) Discovery, the Critical Care Research Network, and the Critical Path Institute (C-Path) CURE Drug Repurposing Collaboratory (CDRC) share a common goal of promoting wide availability of high-quality data for observational research in diseases and conditions of high unmet clinical need. Together with clinical and academic collaborators, SCCM and CDRC seek to establish a disease-agnostic repository for real-world data for drug repurposing research in critical care. Core studies will focus on sepsis and meningitis.

Project Objectives:
  1. Establish a disease-agnostic real-world data repository to support drug repurposing research in critical care
  2. Facilitate dissemination of the Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI)/Perseus tool stack for data harmonization
    • Evaluate barriers and risk facilitators of Perseus implementation and data harmonization
  3. Curate large, high-quality, de-identified datasets on diseases and conditions of high unmet clinical need
  4. Make data widely available through SCCM’s data coordinating center
  5. Promote near-real-time, high-quality, observational research

Reach out to the SCCM contact below if you are interested in participating or receiving more details.

SCCM Contact:
Chase Hamilton
Program Manager
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