SCCM is performing maintenance on its websites. For the best browsing experience, please use Microsoft Edge or Safari. Those using Chrome or Firefox may experience access issues at this time.

LearnICU Classroom System Requirements

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This product utilizes the LearnICU Classroom, SCCM’s learning management system. The LearnICU Classroom houses all of SCCM’s online courses, which may include professionally recorded audio with slides, quizzes and other interactive content, and graded tests. 

Web Browser Requirements

  • Preferred web browsers are Google ChromePop-up blockers must be disabled in your Web browser
  • Cookies must be enabled in your Web browser
  • Preferred web browser is Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer 10 and 11 are supported. Internet Explorer 11 users should be in Compatibility View

Additional Support
Contact SCCM’s Customer Service at or +1 847 827-6888.