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Category: Crisis Management

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How is PPE allocated in your hospital? How are decisions made as to when to reuse it and when to discard it

In this question and answer webcast series, attendees had an opportunity to pose questions about managing critically ill patients with COVID-19 and other issues. Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were also answered. Recorded on: Friday, May 22, 2020

What lessons have you learned about triaging patients with COVID-19 or other conditions for the ICU?

In this question and answer webcast series, attendees had an opportunity to pose questions about managing critically ill patients with COVID-19 and other issues. Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were also answered. Recorded on: Friday, May 22, 2020

Tocilizumab for Cytokine Storm in COVID-19

This presentation provides an overview of the types of strategies for enhancing sleep in patients with COVID-19. This is SCCM curated COVID-19 microlearning content.

Less Can Be More When Targeting Interleukin-6-Mediated Cytokine Release Syndrome in Coronavirus Disease 2019

Cytokine release syndrome (CRS) mediated by IL-6 is a critical driver of COVID-19 mortality. The authors review and discuss key immunologic effects of direct IL-6 blockade, downstream non-selective JAK inhibition, and selective JAK2 suppression to treat COVID-19-related CRS.

Analgesic, Sedative, and Paralytic Strategies in COVID-19 Patients During Critical Shortages

This presentation provides an overview of strategies for triaging analgesic, sedative, and paralytic agents patients with COVID-19. This is SCCM curated COVID-19 microlearning content.

Establishing Pharmacy Services in an Alternate Care Site

This presentation discusses how to best organize a pharmacy at an alternate care site. This is SCCM curated COVID-19 microlearning content.

COVID-19 Pharmacology Debates: Anticoagulant and Immunomodulator Use

This webinar debate will cover immunomodulatory therapies and approaches to anticoagulation in patients with COVID-19. Each debate will be moderated by the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Presidents.

What is new in the treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome in COVID-19 patients?

Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were answered. This microlearning content was taken from the COVID-19 Critical Care for Non-ICU Clinicians: Expert Panel Series held on June 10th, 2020.

In the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, when pediatric ICUs were turned into medical ICUs, how did the pediatric intensive care community manage adult patients?

Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were answered. This microlearning content was taken from the COVID-19 Critical Care for Non-ICU Clinicians: Expert Panel Series held on June 10th, 2020.

How were non-ICU nurses brought up to speed to care for patients that overflowed from the ICU?

Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were answered. This microlearning content was taken from the COVID-19 Critical Care for Non-ICU Clinicians: Expert Panel Series held on June 10th, 2020.

What is the prevalence of the Kawasaki-like severe multiple inflammatory syndrome in children aged 4 to 6 years old with COVID-19 versus in the general population?

Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were answered. This microlearning content was taken from the COVID-19 Critical Care for Non-ICU Clinicians: Expert Panel Series held on June 10th, 2020.

Is there concern about an increase in post-intensive care syndrome because of the limitations enacted to keep people safe from COVID-19?

Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were answered. This microlearning content was taken from the COVID-19 Critical Care for Non-ICU Clinicians: Expert Panel Series held on June 10th, 2020.

What are the benefits of delaying intubation in COVID-19 patients?

Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were answered. This microlearning content was taken from the COVID-19 Critical Care for Non-ICU Clinicians: Expert Panel Series held on June 10th, 2020.

Are enteral feedings being continued in proned patients who are intubated?

Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were answered. This microlearning content was taken from the COVID-19 Critical Care for Non-ICU Clinicians: Expert Panel Series held on June 10th, 2020.

Does any laboratory marker correlate well with or predict severity of illness for COVID-19 patients?

In this question and answer webcast, attendees had the opportunity to post questions about managing critically ill patients with COVID-19 and other issues. Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were also addressed. Webcast held on June 19, 2020

What is the role of steroids in COVID-19 patients? When should steroids be administered?

In this question and answer webcast, attendees had the opportunity to post questions about managing critically ill patients with COVID-19 and other issues. Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were also addressed. Webcast held on June 19, 2020

What has been the experience with enteral nutrition in COVID-19 patients? Are there any recommendations or practical problems around enteral nutrition, including proning?

In this question and answer webcast, attendees had the opportunity to post questions about managing critically ill patients with COVID-19 and other issues.

Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were also addressed.

Webcast held on June 19, 2020

What can be done for a critically ill patient with multiorgan dysfunction who is in the ICU on maximum support?

In this question and answer webcast, attendees had the opportunity to post questions about managing critically ill patients with COVID-19 and other issues. Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were also addressed. Webcast held on June 19, 2020

Clinical Features of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Patients With Mechanical Ventilation: A Nationwide Study in China

From Critical Care Medicine. Mechanical ventilation (MV) is life-saving for respiratory distress; this study was designed to delineate the clinical features of the COVID-19 patients with MV from a national cohort in China.

Design for Implementation of a System-Level ICU Pandemic Surge Staffing Plan

From Critical Care Explorations. The authors provide a description of the design, dissemination, and implementation of an ICU surge provider staffing algorithm, focusing on physicians, advanced practice providers, and certified registered nurse anesthetists, at a system-wide level.