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Category: Neuroscience
CDC Resources: Neurology
SCCM’s COVID-19 Rapid Resource Center now links to pertinent content from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These resources are categorized as Neurology
IDSA Resources: Neurology
SCCM’s COVID-19 Rapid Resource Center now links to pertinent content from the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) COVID-19 Real-Time Learning Network. These resources are categorized as Neurology
Editorial: Severe COVID-19 and Stroke—Another Piece in the Puzzle
From Critical Care Medicine . In this Editorial, the authors discuss an article by Cho et al. entitled “Ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke among critically ill patients with coronavirus disease 2019: An international multicenter coronavirus disease 2019 critical care consortium ...
How should delirium be addressed in ICU patients?
Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were answered. This microlearning content was taken from the COVID-19 Critical Care for Non-ICU Clinicians: Expert Panel Series held on May 12th, 2021
What is your recommendation on use of neuromuscular blockade?
Questions from social media, blogs and the various discussion forums, including the new SCCM COVID-19 Discussion Group, were answered. This microlearning content was taken from the COVID-19 Critical Care for Non-ICU Clinicians: Expert Panel Series held on February 24, 2021.