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Tag: Community Developed

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Association Between Pandemic Coronavirus Disease 2019 Public Health Measures and Reduction in Critical Care Utilization Across ICUs in Alberta, Canada

From Critical Care Medicine The authors describe the impact of lockdown measures on the utilization of critical care services and patient outcomes compared with nonlockdown epochs in a large integrated health region.

Epiglottitis Case: A Unique Presentation of COVID-19 Infection

This resource is an case presentation of epiglottitis and COVID-19. This is a community developed COVID-19 microlearning resource.

The Need for Continued Compassion in Healthcare Beyond COVID-19

This resource details how compassion in healthcare has changed with COVID-19. This is a community developed COVID-19 microlearning resource.

Provider Labor Pool Deployment Workflow and Inpatient Competency and Training Guide

This resource is a quick training guide on labor pool deployment workflow and inpatient competency. This is a community developed COVID-19 microlearning resource.

Medical Nutrition Therapy for COVID-19-Quick Guide

This resource is a quick guide on medical nutrition therapy for COVID-19 patients. This is a community developed COVID-19 microlearning resource.

GROOM-Q4: An Innovative, Consolidated Workflow to Improve ICU Efficiency and Reduce Viral Exposure

This resource covers strategies to consolidate workflow to improve ICU efficiency and reduce COVID-19 infection risks. This is a community developed COVID-19 microlearning resource.

FHCC Guide for Cardiac Arrest Codes in PUI and COVID-19 Patients

This resource covers cardiac arrest codes for PUI and COVID-19 patients. This is a community developed COVID-19 microlearning resource.

COVID-19 and Breastfeeding

This resource covers breastfeeding concerns with COVID-19. This is a community developed COVID-19 microlearning resource.

Managing Stress and Coping with COVID-19

This resource covers managing stress and coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a community developed COVID-19 microlearning resource.

ICU Guide for Airway Management in COVID-19 Patients

This is a quick airway management resource guide for treating COVID-19 patients . This is a community developed COVID-19 microlearning resource.