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Critical Care Explorations Journal

Critical Care Explorations is the official open-access, peer-reviewed journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine. 

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Discover critical care insights with Critical Care Explorations (CCE), your source for cutting-edge information from SCCM. Designed to complement SCCM’s flagship journals Critical Care Medicine and Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, CCE provides peer-reviewed content that encompasses the broad scope of critical care and is accessible to all.

CCE is a rapid-communication journal with content including traditional articles as well as time-sensitive information about quality and safety, methodological and technical advances, healthcare economics, advances in predictive modeling, and the impact of new studies on evidence-based practice.

Latest Articles For Authors Submit a Manuscript
All content is published open-access. Explore articles, supplemental digital content, and videos for free. Articles are held to high scientific and editorial standards and undergo rigorous peer review before publication. An international editorial board selects articles that explore wide-ranging perspectives on issues related to critical care.

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For Authors

SCCM is committed to publishing the highest-quality scientific studies in the field. Submit your research to a leading critical care journal.

Editorial Leadership Submit a Manuscript Policies
Timothy G. Buchman, PhD, MD, MCCM
Critical Care Explorations Editor-in-Chief
Timothy G. Buchman, PhD, MD, MCCM
Dr. Buchman is the founding director of Emory Center for Critical Care in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. His research encompasses studies of physiologic dynamics, predictive biology, patient monitoring, the genetics of sepsis, and ICU end-of-life care. He is working toward the goal of ICU clinicians having the ability to predict and plan for the future of each patient.

Additional Resources

Reviewer Academy

The SCCM Reviewer Academy contains a series of five educational modules to teach, standardize, and ultimately improve the quality of reviews of manuscripts submitted to SCCM journals. Developed with the editors of SCCM journals, this course creates a structured curriculum for trainees and junior faculty to introduce review processes, develops skills required for high-quality reviews, and better defines a path to incorporate this voluntary academic work into a wider variety of professional roles.

Non-Member Price: $0.00
Member Price: $0.00

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