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Data Scams

Be aware of fraudulent offers.

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Important Notice: Be Aware of Data Scams

Every year the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) receives reports of unsolicited offers or persons misrepresenting themselves as agents of SCCM to:
  • Sell SCCM’s membership or event attendee lists
  • Register you for an SCCM event
  • Secure hotel accommodations for an upcoming SCCM event
Any such offers are unaffiliated with SCCM and may be fraudulent. SCCM has not approved these emails and has not given these companies your email address. The companies behind these offers try to obtain domain names similar to SCCM and design their websites to look similar to SCCM’s website to imply a connection.

Registration: Attendees can register for Congress only through the link provided on SCCM’s Congress registration web page.

Housing: Attendees are strongly encouraged to make hotel arrangements only through the links provided on SCCM’s Congress housing web page or directly through a hotel website.

List Rental: The only way to secure an SCCM membership or event attendee list is directly through SCCM. List rental is for postal mail list only and will never include email addresses.

Participating in scam transactions can result in identity theft, lack of valid event registration, absence of booked hotel accommodations, and more. If you have received a communication and would like to confirm the validity of the content, please contact SCCM Customer Service at +1 847 827-6888 or